Trees are the ultimate source to slow down global warming. When it comes to fighting global warming and the quick climatic changes, trees have emerged as one of the most powerful weapon. With nations making little progress in controlling their carbon emissions, many governments and organisations have advanced plans to plant vast numbers of trees to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in an attempt to slow climate change.

The Plantterra will join hands with those Governments and Organisations to encourage every individual not only to plant trees but also reduced use of vehicles, particularly using own vehicles instead of public transport like Trains, clean the lake, rivers and not to pollute the oceans, make their own fertilizer for the plants and trees from the degradable kitchen waste, possible ways of recycling non-decomposable plastics and many more though The Plantterra’s official app and events.

Available on both IOS and Android, the official Plantterra App operates mainly as a virtual coin system. Users will have the chance to earn coins by sharing their own contributions to save the Terra via images or videos. After collecting a particular number of coins, users will obtain a certificate of environmental preservation to recognize their efforts.

Functioning similarly as a game, said coins will also allow users to grow their own avatar. The coin system will be used to grow trees as well. For every 100 coins earned by users, team members will plant a tree in their respective countries.

Each and every individual will have a chance to deliberately understand their way of contribution towards our mother earth, thus helping us to move faster toward our mission with everyone’s support!