To march on the road to our mission, we wish to trigger each and every individual to pay their contributions towards the drastic climate change and greenhouse gas emission in their possible ways by showcasing their accomplishments by making small alterations in their lifestyles, which will be an enthusiastic factor for their followers and people around them!
Available on both IOS and Android, the official Plantterra App operates mainly as a virtual coin system. Users will have the chance to earn coins by sharing their own contributions to save the Terra via images or videos. After collecting a particular number of coins, users will obtain a certificate of environmental preservation to recognize their efforts.
Functioning similarly as a game, said coins will also allow users to grow their own avatar. The coin system will be used to grow trees as well. For every 50 coins earned by users, team members will plant a tree in their respective countries.
Each and every individual will have a chance to deliberately understand their way of contribution towards our mother earth, thus helping us to move faster toward our mission with everyone’s support!