Our logo features 5 creatures that are at risk of being extinct, our mother earth and a tree. Every element in the logo has its own meaning:

Polar bear – With a population of roughly 22,000 – 31,000, the polar bear is categorized as vulnerable by the WWF. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Polar Bear Specialist Group released a new assessment on polar bear populations in October 2019, revealing that the number of polar bear subpopulations experiencing recent declines has increased to four, with eight populations still lacking data. However, thankfully five populations have remained stable, while two have been on the rise.

Monarch butterfly – Monarch butterflies, like most butterflies, are extremely sensitive to weather and climate. They rely on environmental factors to trigger reproduction, migration, and hibernation. Their reliance on milkweed on its own as a host plant adds to their risk, especially since milkweed availability is dwindling across the monarch range. They are also threatened by a rising occurrence of extreme weather events like dry spell and typhoons and extreme heat or cold.

Elephant – Elephants require large amounts of land to sustain and satisfy their ecological necessities. This includes food, water, and a habitat. In a single day, an elephant can feed for up to 18 hours and eat 100 lbs of plants. Due to this, as they keep losing habitat, they frequently run into problems with humans as they adapt to survive.

Tiger – Around only 3900 tigers are still alive. This can be partially blamed towards rising sea levels that pose a threat to critical tiger habitat, warming temperatures that affect the distribution of tree species, and extreme weather events, such as flooding or forest fires, that pose an increased risk to tigers and tiger habitat.

Turtle – Sea turtles are looted and over-exploited for their eggs, meat, skin, and shells. They also experience habitat loss and unintentional capture in fishing equipment. Climate change affects turtle nesting sites by changing sand temperatures, which affects the sex of hatchlings. Almost all sea turtle species are now endangered, with three of the seven remaining species critically endangered.

Earth – Our earth is the only planet we currently have which provides a proper environmental conditions for humans and other living creatures to live in. Our mission is based on the phrase Richard Branson said: “There is no planet B.” and we aim to save the terra for future generations. Hence, the earth on our logo represents our home, how we all need to unite our forces to protect this beautiful planet and keep the balance between humans, animals and our world. 

Tree – Trees balance the oxygen in our atmosphere which makes them a key part of our ecosystem. In our logo, you can see that the animals that are in danger are flying away. Trees are the only elements that keep these animals from flying away (becoming extinct). It is all of our responsibility to plant more trees and try as much as we can in order to prevent deforestation and putting the whole ecosystem in a major danger.