All living organisms interact with their environment to produce a complex network known as the “food web.” This web is held together by interdependence, and one strand remains in place because it is intertwined with others. If one component or species is taken from that web, regardless of how minor, it can cause major complications that are difficult to resolve.
Humans are part of this network, and we rely heavily on other animals. As different components of the web continue to deteriorate, the environment will continue to worsen, leaving humans as well as every other species struggling to adapt.
The best way to help endangered species survive would be to preserve their natural habitats. Volunteer at your neighborhood wildlife sanctuary or refuge. Educate your family on local endangered species. Recycle and buy environmentally friendly items. Reduce your own impact. Cut back on your water usage.
Pressure your government officials to act on this problem. Do something! It is better than doing nothing.